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Saturday, December 2, 2017

The sabbath

Genesis 2:2 " By the seventh day God had finished all the work he had been doing, so on the seventh day he rested from all his work."

God did not rest because he was tired. He rested to commemorate his perfect work. He had completed his work. We also need to have a sabbath day. This is why God blessed it. It gives us the chance to reflect and be proud of what we accomplished. We should work very hard for 6 days and then be able to relax on the seventh day as we admire our work. This is so important so we don't get burned out, give up, or become lazy. God designed us in his image and he rested after working with passion. Find your passion, find motivation, create, work, design, build, and then take a day at the end of your week to take pride and rejuvenate.

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