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Saturday, December 3, 2016

God Fills every void

Does God create an emptiness so that he can fill it? I wonder that as I have felt such deep losses in my life and realized the pain in others lives. I was so in love with God before one of my deepest losses and realized I had separated myself from acknowledging God's unconditional love and fearing him. Their is a great void that he is now slowly filling as I choose to seek him. The more I listen to his words and realize his all consuming glory over everything, I understand why I was so in love with God and why I need to surrender all to him.

I encourage you to do as Daniel did. " Three times a day he got down on his knees and prayed, giving thanks to his God." You don't have to get down on your knees. But it does something to put you body along with your heart and mind in a position of surrender to God.

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Living by the strength of God

I commented on this article in November of 2014 and thought I'd share what I reflected on then..."Some people do experience more than they can handle and i known this. This world ain't perfect and sometimes we just have to admit that life will never be easy here. "We also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us." Romans 5:3-5 stop telling people they have the strength to do it if they don't! Some day everyone will have to realize they can't do it alone. We are not meant to do things on our own"

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Honesty is freedom

There is freedom in being honest. It's ok to be wrong. It's ok to fail. It's ok to have brokenness. Wait! what? you mean we aren't perfect? Dang it... But did you really think there is anyone out there who is perfect, other than our Savior Jesus Christ? I tend to put on a face and make it look like I'm faultless. I'm learning the vulnerability of just being honest. There are people out there that need to know they aren't the only ones broken, or who feel they made unforgivable mistakes, or who don't want to be condemned by others. If we show that we aren't perfect, it gives people the space to be honest. You may offend someone or they might point something out to you and you're pride is hurt. Great! Take it with an open mind and understand how to benefit and bring new growth into your life.

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Let's get real

Friendships, relationships,personal encounters. These have all lost meaning and depth. I walk down the street and see people on their phones, sitting on park benches together, but starring at their mobile devices. Pokémon go, tender, and Snapchat have replaced conversation, meeting people and doing physical activities together. People are starving for recognition, companionship and belonging. We need someone to confide with. Why are we allowing our world to become so shallow? Relationships require time, intentionality, and goals. We are so afraid to be honest, real and open with people because of the fear of judgment and rejection. It's a real fear that causes anxiety and depression. I am one to blame for pointing out the "problems" of a person, when I should allow them to be real. I can't fix or change anything, neither can you, but we can listen as people share. I have some close friends that I can be real with even in the bad times. By having that trust to be raw I have learned more about myself, what I can improve on to become a stronger follower of Christ, and learn how to accept love.
      I encourage you to find a person you can trust to be real with. Confess, maybe open up the past that has not been healed, and learn to recognize your own bruises and scars. Accept them, learn how they affect you and your relationships, and then let go. And then practice becoming that trusting friend by allowing depth in your conversations with people, recognizing their need to be loved and connected with another, and realize you are not the judge or healer. Let them open up, let things go and let God do the work as you are the mediator. Our relationship with Christ will deepen through our conversations, interactions and harmony with others as we learn love, acceptance and healing.

Friday, September 16, 2016

What's your story?

People all have pain and look for ways to find relief. Whether it be emotional or physical.We tend to judge people based on their addiction, habits, things that hurt their bodies, souls, or relationships. We say thats too bad that they are like that. They made a stupid decision. They could have done better, been smarter, made better life choices. But we fail to look deep. We say they failed end of story. Um duh? Haven't you failed? Haven't I failed? What about this person's soul? What is going on inside? What is their story? What have they walked through, seen, heard, experienced? Do we care for their soul or just their happiness? Do we want them to have the good life, be blessed, rich, well-groomed, happy? Is this really what the number one passion should be for people or is this what the world tells us life should be like if we make the right decisions?

I believe that it is beautiful to be poor in wealth and yet be content with who you are and your purpose. We will not find joy unless we take up our cross and follow Jesus. Which is selflessness. Its like jumping off that high rock into the water, but letting go of your selfish desires will actually bring more joy. "For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will save it. What good is it for someone to gain the whole world, and yet lose or forfeit their very self?" Luke 9:24-25.

People are hurting. I am hurting. We all have a story. So do we stand from a distance and judge the outcomes? No, lets dive into whats real. Yes, its scary, raw, vulnerable, exposed, and authentic. It will open up doors of emotions that some never knew existed but its there. When burdens remain on the heart, addictions creep in to mask or dull the pain. Sometimes it is to hide behind guilt or rejection. Are you ready to be vulnerable? Find a safe person, BE that safe person. No judgment, only listening to the story. What is your story? Have you buried your burdens, some painful circumstance? I refuse to bury the pain I have now and I am determined to uncover whatever else lies beneath. I encourage you to look at people different. Look at their story, their beauty, and their worth. Love people undeterred by the path of their story.

Proverbs 19:22 "What a person desires is unfailing love..."

Friday, September 9, 2016

thoughts on selfishness

It was brought up at my workplace today: is everything a person does out of selfishness or can they be altruistic? I would love to hear thoughts on this. It seems that everything is out of selfishness even when we don't realize it. When I drive 2 hours to help someone start their car so that they can get to work at 5am... you think I am doing that out of care for this person. Yes, I probably do care for them. But underlying don't we do it so that we are liked by this person, so that we feel good about what we did, and so that hopefully this person will tell others how awesome we are? There is always that hidden selfishness. Someone in my workplace mentioned the fact that when we act on instinct before we can think about it, then is that selfish? For example, jumping into a river to save a drowning child. When we stop to think about doing a good act, we consider how it will benefit ourselves. If we do not see a self benefit we throw it to the side.

This may relate to our relationship with God and our role as His servants. Do we sometimes fail to go the direction He is guiding us because we do not see ourselves benefiting?

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Who is God to you?

                For those of you out there with a faith in God, I would love to hear your discussions on what that means to you. I am beginning to see that I treat God as a tool. I use His existence to make my life easier and to gain power in small ways. I think we all do in some manner, but not on purpose. We are naturally selfish beings and want to gain importance, respect, and happiness. But are we using the name of God to make ourselves look important? Are we seeking God so that we can receive His blessings? Are we reducing God’s glory to His provisions? God should not have to bless me to make me love Him, praise Him and follow His commands. I get so caught up in will God provide? Of course he will provide but maybe not what I want. That should not be my desire. My desire should be solely to know Him more and more deeply and join Him in what He is doing. I have to ask is my worship narcissistic? Do I make God convenient? Do we choose a church to please ourselves by the music we like, the setting, the atmosphere…?  Or do we go to praise and know God and fellowship with the family of Christ? Do I read the Bible to find answers, happiness, blessings, or to know God, His character and His works? Do I pray to fix something or make myself feel useful? Or do I pray God’s will be done in this person’s life? More than to see this person happy, I want to see them passionate for God. Do I live religion by trying to be a good person, have a good life, and receive His blessings? That’s all about me and my happiness. Happiness is not important, joy and contentment is, and will be found by honoring God’s glory. “At the end of time, I Nebuchadnezzar, raised my eyes toward heaven, and my sanity was restored. Then I praised the most high; I honored and glorified Him who lives forever.” Daniel 4:34.

What is your motivation in life? To be satisfied, feel good. Do you feel entitled to your life going well? The Bible says, “For just as we share abundantly in the sufferings of Christ, so also our comfort abounds through Christ.” 2 Corinthians 1:5. We are not entitled to a “good life” by the world’s standards. But we are to find comfort through Christ alone. Sin starts with selfishness; the desire you think you deserve. Is the end we are after right now the usefulness of a relationship with God? When the end we should be after is the relationship with God period. I’m trying to refocus by recognizing his glory, understanding his love, dwelling in his presence and enjoying every minute with joy (not necessarily happiness) even through the hardships.

“Look to the Lord and His strength; seek His face always. Remember the wonders He has done, His miracles, and the judgements He pronounced.” 1 Chronicles 16:11-12.

Thursday, August 18, 2016

A renewed outlook on life's purpose

This blog was inspired through the deepest pain that I have felt so far in my life. I know every person has a pain, a hurt, a secret... sometimes they do not even recognize that it is there. It can cause insecurities, emotional struggles, and even loss of identity. Now, I am somewhat of a perfectionist, and it is really difficult to share something unless it's perfect. Well let me tell you right now, nothing on here will be perfect because I am a fallen, imperfect human with many struggles. I also have never been one to share...anything deep. I used to hold in my emotions and always put on a strong face. I'm independent and strong-willed, but have learned my own insecurities and underlying stumbling blocks. I decided to begin sharing what lies deep within as I allow my brokenness to become real (which scares the heck out of me, opening up secrets that I never even realized I had). I am discovering the transition from self-obsession to what should be my number one passion, God. Not being focused on blessings, the good life, helping others, being a good person, having a good reputation or following the law. Just a number one desire to deeply knowing and experiencing Him in all His glory, that's it.

I very much encourage others to share and interact with what is posted! Let's begin the journey to understanding our purpose and identity.