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Thursday, August 18, 2016

A renewed outlook on life's purpose

This blog was inspired through the deepest pain that I have felt so far in my life. I know every person has a pain, a hurt, a secret... sometimes they do not even recognize that it is there. It can cause insecurities, emotional struggles, and even loss of identity. Now, I am somewhat of a perfectionist, and it is really difficult to share something unless it's perfect. Well let me tell you right now, nothing on here will be perfect because I am a fallen, imperfect human with many struggles. I also have never been one to share...anything deep. I used to hold in my emotions and always put on a strong face. I'm independent and strong-willed, but have learned my own insecurities and underlying stumbling blocks. I decided to begin sharing what lies deep within as I allow my brokenness to become real (which scares the heck out of me, opening up secrets that I never even realized I had). I am discovering the transition from self-obsession to what should be my number one passion, God. Not being focused on blessings, the good life, helping others, being a good person, having a good reputation or following the law. Just a number one desire to deeply knowing and experiencing Him in all His glory, that's it.

I very much encourage others to share and interact with what is posted! Let's begin the journey to understanding our purpose and identity.