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Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Courage to fail

Beginning of the year we make all these goals, resolutions, think of a new start on life. Then what happens? Life gets hectic, plans fail, we feel rejection, and lose motivation. What happened to your courage and hope? Oh I was just feeding off the spirit of the season, I can't do it. That is pathetic!... come on, we all know anything can be accomplished with the right desire behind it.

Look at Beethoven who was deaf and is known to be one of the greatest classical musicians, or what about Rookie White who did a 250+ ft jump on a moto track, or Roger Bannister who ran a 4 minute mile.

It takes courage to get out of your comfort zone and try something that doesn't feel possible. So do it! Forget your reputation, what people will think, how this will effect your social status, get off your shrunken pedestal and fail for once. You're not going to succeed the first time so keep trying. Get creative and go after your dreams in new ways. Make it happen!!!

"Success is walking from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm." -Winston Churchill. 

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