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Friday, September 16, 2016

What's your story?

People all have pain and look for ways to find relief. Whether it be emotional or physical.We tend to judge people based on their addiction, habits, things that hurt their bodies, souls, or relationships. We say thats too bad that they are like that. They made a stupid decision. They could have done better, been smarter, made better life choices. But we fail to look deep. We say they failed end of story. Um duh? Haven't you failed? Haven't I failed? What about this person's soul? What is going on inside? What is their story? What have they walked through, seen, heard, experienced? Do we care for their soul or just their happiness? Do we want them to have the good life, be blessed, rich, well-groomed, happy? Is this really what the number one passion should be for people or is this what the world tells us life should be like if we make the right decisions?

I believe that it is beautiful to be poor in wealth and yet be content with who you are and your purpose. We will not find joy unless we take up our cross and follow Jesus. Which is selflessness. Its like jumping off that high rock into the water, but letting go of your selfish desires will actually bring more joy. "For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will save it. What good is it for someone to gain the whole world, and yet lose or forfeit their very self?" Luke 9:24-25.

People are hurting. I am hurting. We all have a story. So do we stand from a distance and judge the outcomes? No, lets dive into whats real. Yes, its scary, raw, vulnerable, exposed, and authentic. It will open up doors of emotions that some never knew existed but its there. When burdens remain on the heart, addictions creep in to mask or dull the pain. Sometimes it is to hide behind guilt or rejection. Are you ready to be vulnerable? Find a safe person, BE that safe person. No judgment, only listening to the story. What is your story? Have you buried your burdens, some painful circumstance? I refuse to bury the pain I have now and I am determined to uncover whatever else lies beneath. I encourage you to look at people different. Look at their story, their beauty, and their worth. Love people undeterred by the path of their story.

Proverbs 19:22 "What a person desires is unfailing love..."

Young wanderer

Watching, waiting, living.

Brokenness screams in their face.

They crave Love, but do not find any.

They experiment and test to see if love is touchable.

Acceptance, they want to belong.Trust, where it lies they are drawn.

Hope does not exist in their mind.

"How can we make our own happiness?" they ask.

Ugly, worthless, lost, and a burden whispers in their ear

as they strive to become someone.

Their outer view is pain.

People tormented, crying out for help,yearning to be rescued from the immersion in failure.

Their focus is narrowed to the worlds expectations

seeing only the evil exploded on media.

Hope and faith are the keys to finding joy,

but it's so hard to keep them breathing with the suffocation of a fallen world.

Without faith the unseen remains invisible

and hope lies beneath the visible darkness.

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